Join Us On Instagram Live At 7 PM Tonight For A Free Crash Course Survival Lesson On How To Keep Your Business Afloat During This Crisis!

Small businesses have everything to gain as well as everything to lose. This sudden global pandemic is more proof that we all have to stick together to try and keep our economy afloat and our businesses intact.
During our live we will be giving tips as well as hold a discussion on how to keep your head above water during these troubling times.

This discussion is for anyone who needs to learn this information whether it be an artist, an entrepreneur, small business owners, etc. Understanding financial literacy is crucial to running a business and making mistakes is to be expected but the world has never faced a danger like this before. With the U.S. close to coming to startling halt it is imperative that we do everything that we can to save our economy and our legacies that we have created.
The Lipstick Royalty Agency was created because two women, Shawn Nelson and Regina Smiley, saw a void in the industry that needed to be filled and they have done just that. They created a female- owned Public Relations company after Nelson realized that there was an overall lack of minority women in the field. This course is another way to give back to those that need it the most financially- small up and coming businesses. Join us at 7 PM EST. for this free lesson on how to ride this wave of financial uncertainty.
Sandra Georges